Vous pouvez écrire des équations avec le plugin mathjax,
Voici le rendu:
You may embed latex using a variety of different syntaxes. The
shortcode ( syntax is
preferred. So will work out of the box. This also forces loading of MathJax.
You can use wp-latex syntax, . Parameters
can be specified as with wp-latex but will be ignored. This means that
MathJax-LaTeX should be a drop-in replacement for wp-latex. Because this
conflicts with wp-latex, this behaviour is blocked when wp-latex is
present, and must be explicitly enabled in the settings.
Vous pouvez écrire des équations avec le plugin quicklatex, voici le rendu de l'exemple donné sur le site:
At first, we sample in the ( is odd) equidistant points around
(1) (2)
where is some step.
Then we interpolate points by polynomial
Its coefficients are found as a solution of system of linear equations:
Here are references to existing equations: (1), (2).
Here is reference to non-existing equation (??).